Check Out the Secret Collection of Ultra-Rare Porsches at the Porsche Museum by Chris Constantine

Posted by RealAutoTips on 8:06 AM

Automatricschool. - This is information for you with the title Check Out the Secret Collection of Ultra-Rare Porsches at the Porsche Museum that written by Chris Constantine that published in Thedrive site.

Image Courtesy of Thedrive

Car enthusiasts have a mind-boggling infatuation with the Porsche 911, but for good reason. This tiny driver's car has evolved brilliantly since its debut, undergoing 54 years of constant refinement and nearly unparalleled performance; now there are over a million 911s on the road, ready to please. The Porsche Museum in Stuttgart, Germany has a number of immaculate 911s on display, as well as many of its other classics like the 356. However, Porsche is also proud of the collection of less popular vehicles kept the museum vaults, and wants fans to know that these cars matter, too.

The Porsche Youtube channel is full of showcase videos, including sneak peeks into its private collection of unique models. The "Secrets" mini-series from 2012 takes us through some of Porsche's newest and strangest acquisitions, from historic race cars to forgotten concept vehicles. In this episode, Chief of Archive Porsche Museum Dieter Landenberger takes us through some of his favorites, including a custom 924 world-record car, one-off 928 convertible, 908 Targa Florio endurance vehicle, and even a bullet proof 996. When the video came out, Porsche planned to bring many of these cars onto the showroom floor.

These vehicles may not be the best or most beautiful cars the Germans ever built, but Porsche believes they should be appreciated and respected just as much as the company's magnum opus. We wish Porsche continued the "Secrets" series, as this video leaves us thirsty for more of Stuttgart's underdogs.

And now you can read more about this Check Out the Secret Collection of Ultra-Rare Porsches at the Porsche Museum by Chris Constantine from original source using link here.

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Nama Anda
New Johny WussUpdated: 8:06 AM


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